Bright Ideas Recipe Homemade Solution Craft
Saturday, May 24, 2014


Did you know you are supposed to exfoliate your LEGS? I always assumed that the very act of SHAVING your legs was exfoliating in itself.  Oh silly me!

I stumbled across this idea for silky smooth legs at militaryfit-bombshell for the other day and knew I wanted to try it. When I started looking into it more…I came across all sorts of homemade leg exfoliators! Apparently you’re supposed to exfoliate each time your shave your legs. Who knew? Obviously not me. :-)
But I do now!  And although I feel like I’ve been missing out all these years….I couldn’t be happier about discovering this stuff! After using it this morning I would venture to say my legs have never felt softer OR smoother! No kidding.
The recipe is super simple…the most challenging part for me was actually finding time to take a bath. Well, unfortunately I never DID find that time….so I made do and used it in the shower instead. I’ve never really been a fan of shaving in the bathtub anyway. All that hair floating around and such. (sorry for the visual!) So this worked well for me.Leg Exfoliator

Super Silky Summer Legs

  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup oil (I used olive oil, but you can use any oil, coconut oil, baby oil, canola oil, etc.)
  • 3 tablespoons citrus juice (lemon or lime) OR 20 drops Lemon Essential Oil
  • Razor
Mix everything together. I put mine in a mason jar and just shook it all up. (If you take the glass jar into the bath or shower with you, please be extra careful.)

Leg Exfoliator 2

Soak your legs in the tub for 5 minutes. Or if you’re taking a shower, wash and conditioner your hair first, then after your legs have had a chance to soak for a few minutes, apply the mixture to your legs and rub it in. I was surprised at how GOOD this felt! I ended up using it on my feet and arms as well!
The abrasiveness of the sugar rubs off all the dirt and dead skin, the lemon juice works as a mild skin peel revealing brighter, smoother skin, and, of course, the olive oil penetrates deep into the skin and provides long-lasting moisture.
After rubbing the mixture in for a few minutes….it’s time to shave your legs. Feels pretty good huh?  Wellwe’re just getting started!
Now, rinse and REPEAT! Yep, do it again. Rub mixture all over legs (and feet!)…shave….and rinse again. This time you might want to use a mild soap to get some of the oil off. Or not. Your preference. (Note: make sure the bottom of the shower is oil-free when you are done so the next person in doesn’t get a slippery surprise. Since I used body wash after shaving, mine was fine.)
When you get out of the bath or shower, put lotion on and enjoy your silky smoooooooth legs!  I guarantee you will be so amazed at how soft your skin feels, you won’t be able to keep your hands off yourself! ;-)

Many thanks to for this article.
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Thursday, May 22, 2014
DIY Stretch Marks Removal Cream

DIY Stretch Marks Removal Cream

, a beauty expert from, is sharing with you how you can remove stretch marks permanently with home remedies. First, you need to understand where stretch marks come from. It is any sudden change in our body such as when you get pregnant or gain a lot of weight, the other would be quick weight loss; teenagers are going to growth spurt speed and body builders can get stretch marks when they work out a lot in bulk up. So the first thing you want to do is not have certain changes to the body. The other thing that cause a stretch marks is overtime age, poor diet which have an effect on the collagen elastin that helps boost up the skin levels. So what can you do to remove them permanently. 

FIRST, work on your diet. Incorporate fruits, vegetables and items that can help boost collagen levels and hydrate the skin such as cucumbers, kale, spinach, vitamin C and orange because they not only boost collagen but also fight free radicals. You can also use hyaluronic acid with your tablets which will help boost collagen levels as well.
Next, one of the exfoliate way to help get rid of the damage skin cells, you can use different remedies and then follow with a nourishing cream that you can make it yourself for the DIY STRETCH MARKS CREAM. 



¼ Cup Cocoa Butter
1 Tablespoon Wheat Germ Oil
1 Teaspoon Sesame Seed Oil
1 Teaspoon Apricot Kernel Oil
2 Vitamin E Capsule (cut open to release oil)
2 Teaspoons Grated Beeswax
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

  • Take Vitamin E capsules, puncture them, and add them in. 
  • Melt in a pan to heat up (don't let it boil really. That ends up taking out all the healing properties), take it off the heat and maybe pour it into the similar bowl that he uses, let it cool off overnight and give it time to solidify/harden.

*It should then be ready to use.

*ALSO! You must put on a great moisturizer to rehydrate the area that you just put this mixture on.

Give it a try and you'd be surprised!

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Thursday, April 17, 2014
Homemade Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Homemade Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Over the centuries, many people have used Apple Cider Vinegar for many different purposes such as: making pickles, dressing salad or folk remedies. Today, it becomes more popular that ACV has some significant benefits for taking care of our beauty like losing weight, brightening up the skin, caring hair, etc.

Making DIY ACV is always such an easy and inexpensive way. It just takes a short amount of your time by 100% natural and safe way. There are many methods to make Apple Cider Vinegar, including making ACV from scraps or whole apple. According to this article, we will show you the way how to make it from scraps. 

This method uses apple scraps like the peels and cores. This is a perfect convenient method, the reason is that you can both eat the apple and make ACV as well. This way is recommended because it’s faster and effective than using the whole apple.

Apple Scraps Vinegar
Let’s get it started!


A wide – mouth jar

Apple scraps (the peels and cores from apple)

A piece of cheesecloth for covering jar.


Step 1.

Leave the scraps to air until they turn brown as you want.

Step 2.
Put the apple scraps into the jar and top it up with water. You can continue add scraps for a few days later if you want, but don’t put it on top of the jar.

Step 3.
Cover with the cheesecloth and put it in the dark place.

Apple Scraps Vinegar

Pour the vinegar through a strainer to filter out the scraps. If it doesn’t turn out strong enough you can add more sweetener and ferment for another couple of weeks.

Apple Scraps Vinegar

You’ll notice the scraps in the jar starts to thicken after a few days and grayish scum forms on top. When this happens, stop adding scraps and leave it for a month for fermenting. 
After a month later, you can taste and start testing it. If it suitable with you, strain out the apple scraps and bottle the vinegar. It is ok if your vinegar is cloudy. There will be some sediments from the apple. If you don’t like the cloudiness, straining it through a paper coffee filter which will remove most of the sediments.

What is your favorite way to use apple cider vinegar?

Apple Scraps Vinegar
(Note: This article contains some photos sourced from
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Thursday, June 13, 2013
DIY Homemade Yogurt Facemask for Sensitive or Sunburnt Skin

DIY Homemade Yogurt Facemask for Sensitive or Sunburnt Skin

Yogurt is undeniably good for you. Definitely. I often apply this recipe twice a week and found it very effective in treating acne and dry skin. Yogurt is so mild that even those with highly sensitive skin can use it every day. This mask is great for soothing chapped, sunburned or otherwise irritated skin. 
Extra tip: This mask works well for other skin types as well. For oily skin, add a couple drops of lemon or lime juice. For dry skin, mix in a couple tablespoons of honey.


  • 1 cup natural yogurt 
  • ½ cup oatmeal (any type of basic oatmeal works here)                                             


Mix the ingredients together.
Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes.
Wash off mask with a washcloth steamed in the microwave (careful that it's not too hot).

Another fun option for oatmeal face masks: 
Egg whites. Mix the oatmeal and an egg white with grapefruit and honey. Let the mixture dry on face, then gently wash off with a few splashes of warm water. Follow with a steaming washcloth to the face.

Hope you enjoy!
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Friday, June 7, 2013
Homemade Bath Salts DIY

Homemade Bath Salts DIY

Hello beauties! Any exciting plans this weekend?
Today I’m sharing a Homemade bath salts recipe. This lavender bath salts recipe is simple to make and is perfect for giving away as a gift! They really are almost too easy...and pretty hard to mess up. It's a great recipe/project for kids...or kids who want to help their parent make something special.
Bath Salts.
Homemade lavender bath salts recipe:
1 cup Mineral and Dead Sea Salt
1-2 drops of lavender essential oil
4-6 drops of soap colorant
In a bowl mix together salts and lavender essential oil. Add in coloring and mix until well combined. If you prefer a darker color increase colorant one drop at a time until you achieve desired shade. Store in an airtight container to allow the lavender essential oil to infuse the salts.You can leave out the colorant if you would like to keep this recipe as natural as possible. Another great idea is to mix in your favorite herbs to the mix.

Im sure that you guys are not going to be disappointed with this. Good luck!
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013
DIY Tub Teas at Home

DIY Tub Teas at Home

Nothing soothes the soul like a good long soak, especially with a heady infusion of calming scents. 

Preparation: Tools and Materials
  • Heat-sealable tea bags
  • Lavender buds
  • Chamomile buds
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Dried organic lemon verbena
Tub Teas How-To:Fill heat-sealable tea bags (perfect for one bath) with 1/4 cup lemon verbena, lavender, peppermint, or chamomile. For small bags, top 5 1/4-inch starched muslin circles with 1 tablespoon of botanicals; tie with waxed twine. Giving a few of these in different scents lets bathers customize each bath.


TAG: Beauty
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Home Spa Cuticle Oil Recipe

Home Spa Cuticle Oil Recipe

  • 1 tablespoon Avocado oil
  • 1 tablespoon Wheat germ oil
  • 5 drops vitamin E oil
  • 10 drops Lemon essential oil *
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil*
You can also use this on your fingernails every couple of days, if you really want them to grow long and strong.
*If you’re pregnant, check with your doctor before using essential oils or feel free to skip them in this recipe as I have designed the cuticle oil so that it still works really well without. The problem is that there have been very few studies into the impact of essential oils on pregnancy and there is a lot of conflicting information with what oils can and cannot be used in pregnancy, which is why I think it is something that you and your doctor will have to decide what is appropriate for you. It is interesting to note that the FDA has listed a lot of the essential oils as safe to eat as food additives.

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Monday, June 3, 2013
DIY Winter Aroma Spray

DIY Winter Aroma Spray

diy aromatherapy spray
This Winter Blues spray is like a burst of sunshine in your brain on a dreary gray day. For half the year here in Oregon we live under a blanket of glowy clouds and wander through a mist of cool rain. A rare slice of sunlight can weave rainbows into our skies, causing great celebration until the clouds creep back and gobble the rays up yet again.

Fruity and light, I formulated this blend with aromatherapeutic scents that uplift the spirit and deflect winter anxiety, grumpiness, and depression. Let's get started.


5 drops organic Sweet Orange essential oil
3 drops organic Petitgrain essential oil
2 drops organic Roman Chamomile essential oil
2 drops organic Nutmeg essential oil
1 oz organic Witch Hazel extract or vodka


Drip oils together in a glass spray bottle and mix by rolling the bottle between the palms of your hands. Pour witch hazel extract to the top of the bottle and shake well. Spray in the air or on the body when in need of a smile.

Good Luck!

Tag: Aromatherapy Spray
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Delectable Detox Smoothies - Sip your body back to good health

Delectable Detox Smoothies - Sip your body back to good health

The Super Green

Powerful detox action masquerades as another delicious shake from Prevention's Lori Powell (it's pictured here with the Berry Breakfast Smoothie.) The celery and parsley that contribute to its bright green color are diuretics that help rinse toxins from your system. Kale and mango are superfoods bursting with nutrition that support your cleanse.

15 minutes

15 minutes

1¼ cups chopped kale leaves (stems and tough rib removed), preferably Lacinato (also known as dinosaur)
1¼ cups frozen cubed mango
2 medium ribs celery, chopped
1 cup chilled fresh tangerine or orange juice
¼ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
¼ cup chopped fresh mint

COMBINE all ingredients in blender.

PUREE until smooth.

POUR into 2 chilled glasses.

NUTRITION (per serving): 160 cal, 3 g protein, 39 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 0.5 g fat, 0 g sat fat, 56 mg sodium

TAG: Good Health
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Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth

Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth

A shining set of teeth can make anyone appear more healthy, more pleasant and young looking. Also nothing makes a smile more beautiful than sparkling white teeth. This is the reason why many people avoid smiling in public places as their teeth are not as shiny as they want it to be. Teeth may become yellow due to diffirent reasons such as hereditary factors, improper dental hygiene, age, excessive consumption of tea and coffee, tobacco and cigarette. Even high doses of antibiotics along with some type of injury, climatic conditions, infection and improper metabolism can also contribute to discoloring of teeth.

People often go for professional treatment to remove the yellow tinge from their teeth but such dental treatments need time as well money. In case you wish to get rid of yellow teeth you can try some natural remedies. There are many kitchen ingredients which you can use to make your teeth look like pearl white and that too without any side effects.


Baking Soda. 

Baking soda is one of the effective ingredients that you can use to get rid of your yellow teeth. You can make a whitening mouthwash with baking soda by mixing two tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of cold water. Now use this whitening mouthwash to rinse your mouth two to three times in a day. This remedy can easily correct minor yellow stains. At the same time you can also scrub your teeth gently for at least two minutes with diluted baking soda for sparkling teeth. Follow this remedy twice a week for the first week, and then follow it in every fifteen days. It is essential to note here that excess use of baking soda can strip your teeth of its natural enamel. 


Strawberries contain good amount of vitamin C, which help in making your teeth whiter. Take a few strawberries and grind them to make a paste. Now use this paste to rub your teeth gently. If done twice daily for a few weeks, the yellow tinge on your teeth will vanish. Another option is to mix the pulp of one strawberry with half a teaspoon of baking soda and then spread the mixture onto your teeth and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Finally rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth with toothpaste to get rid of any residue.


The bleaching property present in lemon can also be used to get rid of yellow teeth. In fact, gargling with lemon juice and scrubbing teeth with lemon peel is also one of the best ways to make your teeth white. Take a few drops of lemon juice and add some salt to it. Now apply this mixture on the stained teeth and rub the paste vigorously over your teeth and gums. Leave for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth properly with normal water. Follow this remedy twice daily for about two weeks to get rid of tartar and yellow tinge. 


Apple is a kind of crunchy fruit that can scrub your teeth like a toothbrush and make your teeth look whiter than before. Try to eat one or two apples daily to get rid of the yellow stain accumulated on your teeth. When eating an apple make sure to chew them properly so that the acidic nature of apple and the fiber rich rough flesh get ample time to work on your teeth and help to remove the yellow stain. Apart from apples, you can also eat other crunchy food items such as raw carrots, cucumbers and broccoli. 

Holy Basil. 

The leaves of holy basil have whitening properties and hence it can be used to make your teeth whiter. At the same time holy basil can also protect your teeth from gum problems such as pyorrhea. Take few leaves of holy basil and keep them in the sun for few hours. Once the holy basil leaves become dry you need to grind them to make some powder. Now mix this powder with your regular toothbrush and then use it to brush your teeth. Another option is to make a paste of holy basil leaves with mustard oil and then use it to clean your teeth. 


You can also use margosa to enjoy white healthy teeth. You can use margosa twigs as a toothbrush to brush your teeth. Chewing margosa branches helps in tackling teeth problems and clears the yellowness from the teeth. At the same time you can use margosa oil and mix it with your regular toothpaste and then use it to brush your teeth. Due to the astringent and antiseptic properties, regular use of margosa oil also help to get rid of bad breath and dental cavities. 


Salt is one of the fundamental dental cleansing agents used since ages as it helps to replenish the lost mineral content of the teeth and help them to regain their whiteness. You can use common salt regularly each morning as a toothpowder instead of toothpaste. Another option is to mix common salt with charcoal and then use it brush your teeth regularly. You can also mix common salt with baking soda and then use it to rub your teeth gently in order to reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth. When using salt you need to be extra careful as salt can cause damage to gums and enamel if used roughly. 


Charcoal is one of the best known home remedies for yellow teeth. Charcoal, has a powerful crystal based chemical which results in teeth whitening. Take some charcoal powder and mix it with your regular toothpaste and use it to gently brush your teeth. Do it twice daily to make your teeth sparkling white. Along with charcoal you can also use the ashes of burnt bread and burnt rosemary in order to make your teeth whiter. 

Orange Peel.

You can also clean your teeth with fresh orange peel on regular basis in order to reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth. To make your teeth white, rub orange peel on your teeth every night before going to sleep. The vitamin C and calcium present in the orange peel will combat with the microorganisms all through the night. Within a few weeks you can notice effective results and your teeth will appear more shiny, stronger and whiter. If fresh orange peel is not available then you can use dried orange peel powder. 

Hydrogen Peroxide.

The mild bleaching effect of hydrogen peroxide can also help a lot in getting rid of yellow teeth. You must gargle with a mouth wash having hydrogen peroxide in order to reduce yellow staining from your teeth. While gargling make sure not to swallow the hydrogen peroxide. At the same time you can make a paste of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and use it to brush your teeth gently. Later brush your teeth with your regular tooth paste to make your teeth whiten. However, it is important to note that you need to use hydrogen peroxide with extra caution as it can cause irritation of gums and make your teeth sensitive.
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Sunday, June 2, 2013
Citrus Sea Salt Body Scrub Homemade

Citrus Sea Salt Body Scrub Homemade

A girl can make only so much marmalade. I love the stuff, but last night, as I was facing another bowl heaped high with Meyer lemons, I reached my limit. When that happens, there’s only one thing left to do: Take a bath.

Step 1

Pour 16 oz. sea salt in a glass or stainless steel mixing bowl. Add 10 to 15 drops of essential citrus oil to the sea salt. Use the metal whisk to thoroughly distribute the essential oils into the sea salt. This recipe creates a basic citrus sea salt scrub.

Step 2

Adjust the essential oils used to design your own specialized sea salt scrub by applying aromatherapy concepts. For example, lemon oil is believed to traditionally help with cellulite, varicose veins, and circulatory problems and is also believed to have an “invigorating” effect. However, if you are worried about water retention or suffering from anxiety, add grapefruit essential oil to your mix; according to aromatherapy tradition, grapefruit essential oil is used to address anxiety, depression and water retention. 

Step 3

Add extra virgin olive oil or almond oil to your sea salt scrub if you have dry skin and want to add moisture to your exfoliating process. 

Step 4

Store your finished sea salt scrub in a glass container with an airtight lid. Store the scrub away from direct sunlight, in a cool area.

Tag: Beauty healthy recipes
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Lemon Water Helps Prevent Migraines?

Lemon Water Helps Prevent Migraines?

Why lemons?

Lemons are packed like a clown car with nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. (Fun fact: they contain more potassium than apples or grapes!)
Because of how hard lemon juice can be on the enamel of your teeth, it’s important to dilute it with water of any temperature (though lukewarm is recommended). Drink it first thing in the morning, and wait 15 to 30 minutes to have breakfast. This will help you fully receive the benefits of lemon water, which are listed below.
Wow. Who knew all the benefits of hot lemon water with ginger. What really caught my attention was that it helps prevent migraines.

1. Boosts your immune system:

Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH:

Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they’re alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.

3. Helps with weight loss:

Lemons contain pectin fiber, which assists in fighting hunger cravings.

4. Aids digestion:

The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis – the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.

5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic:

Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin: 

The antioxidants in lemon juice help to not only decrease blemishes, but wrinkles too! It can also be applied to scars and age spots to reduce their appearance, and because it’s detoxifying your blood, it will maintain your skin’s radiance.

7. Hyrdates the lymph system:

This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue), it can’t perform all of it’s proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys and along with your thyroid, they create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don’t want to mess with a deep state of dehydration!

8. Helps fight viral infections.

Warm lemon water is the most effective way to diminish viral infections and their subsequent sore throats. Plus, with the lemon juice also boosting your immune system, you’ll simultaneously fight off the infection completely.
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