Bright Ideas Recipe Homemade Solution Craft
Saturday, May 24, 2014


Did you know you are supposed to exfoliate your LEGS? I always assumed that the very act of SHAVING your legs was exfoliating in itself.  Oh silly me!

I stumbled across this idea for silky smooth legs at militaryfit-bombshell for the other day and knew I wanted to try it. When I started looking into it more…I came across all sorts of homemade leg exfoliators! Apparently you’re supposed to exfoliate each time your shave your legs. Who knew? Obviously not me. :-)
But I do now!  And although I feel like I’ve been missing out all these years….I couldn’t be happier about discovering this stuff! After using it this morning I would venture to say my legs have never felt softer OR smoother! No kidding.
The recipe is super simple…the most challenging part for me was actually finding time to take a bath. Well, unfortunately I never DID find that time….so I made do and used it in the shower instead. I’ve never really been a fan of shaving in the bathtub anyway. All that hair floating around and such. (sorry for the visual!) So this worked well for me.Leg Exfoliator

Super Silky Summer Legs

  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup oil (I used olive oil, but you can use any oil, coconut oil, baby oil, canola oil, etc.)
  • 3 tablespoons citrus juice (lemon or lime) OR 20 drops Lemon Essential Oil
  • Razor
Mix everything together. I put mine in a mason jar and just shook it all up. (If you take the glass jar into the bath or shower with you, please be extra careful.)

Leg Exfoliator 2

Soak your legs in the tub for 5 minutes. Or if you’re taking a shower, wash and conditioner your hair first, then after your legs have had a chance to soak for a few minutes, apply the mixture to your legs and rub it in. I was surprised at how GOOD this felt! I ended up using it on my feet and arms as well!
The abrasiveness of the sugar rubs off all the dirt and dead skin, the lemon juice works as a mild skin peel revealing brighter, smoother skin, and, of course, the olive oil penetrates deep into the skin and provides long-lasting moisture.
After rubbing the mixture in for a few minutes….it’s time to shave your legs. Feels pretty good huh?  Wellwe’re just getting started!
Now, rinse and REPEAT! Yep, do it again. Rub mixture all over legs (and feet!)…shave….and rinse again. This time you might want to use a mild soap to get some of the oil off. Or not. Your preference. (Note: make sure the bottom of the shower is oil-free when you are done so the next person in doesn’t get a slippery surprise. Since I used body wash after shaving, mine was fine.)
When you get out of the bath or shower, put lotion on and enjoy your silky smoooooooth legs!  I guarantee you will be so amazed at how soft your skin feels, you won’t be able to keep your hands off yourself! ;-)

Many thanks to for this article.
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Easy Sugar Waxing Recipe and How To Wax

Easy Sugar Waxing Recipe and How To Wax

It's nice to pamper yourself sometimes with a trip to the waxing salon, but sometimes you just can't wait for an appointment. If you want to skip the salon and try waxing on your own, this article will show you a simple recipe to make hair removal wax on your own.


2 cups of regular granulated sugar 
1/4 cup of water (some people use distilled water, but tap water is just fine 
1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (remove seeds).
A hot pan
Glass bottle


Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan.

Start with heating the mix up on minimum temperature.

Keeping on mixing, mixing and mixing, keep doing this on 20 minutes and you will see all the ingredients start melting and until the bubbles start showing up.  

When this happens, take you pan off of the heat to go down the bubbles a little bit. Turn heat down to low temperature and you can put it right back to the stove.
Keep mixing until you see the color that you want

Then take it off, and let try a test. Take a little bit the liquid in spoon and then put it in the cold water. And you take it with your hand and melt it. If it stays in like a plastic ball. It means it’s perfect and ready to go. 

So now it’s ready, you are going to turn off the heat and out your previously prepared container glass under hot water so it wont crack when you put in the hot wax. 
Pour into the container.

Let the mix cool down. Make sure the mix has cooled enough so it doesn’t burn you. 


First using baby powder or something like that, put it on the area you want to wax.

Using the dull knife or ice cream sticks spread the mix in the direction of hair growth.

Place the cotton strip, press with your fingers a bit and then pull in the direction opposite the hair growth.

And... This is the result. Amazing right? 

 Good luck, beauties!

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